Kerries Coronation Weekend Pink Gin

I wanted to celebrate for weeks to come the new king, he has waited so long for his title and I feel it deserves celebrating in style so this morning I have made my own recipe of coronation gin.
Here goes
Preserve the taste othis combination in a bottle with this raspberry coronation gin, perfect topped up with a tonic. The gin will keep its lovely pink hue for a few months it then goes a little darker in colour so not as pretty so make a batch every month dependant on how much you drink.
- 350g raspberries
- 150g sugar
- 700ml bottle of gin
Tip the raspberries and sugar into a 1.5L sterilised jar you can either put the jar on a hot wash in the dishwasher or use sterident dental tablets. ( don't make the same mistake as me this morning I got so excited to make it I put the gin in first then every raspberry sploshed all over my hand so there was only one way to remove that!) lick!
Pour over the gin, seal the jar and swish around to dissolve the sugar. Store in a cool, dark place and turn the jar every day for just the first week.
After a couple of weeks, strain the gin through a sieve. Pour the gin into decretive bottles, and label, best put the date on too!.
The gin will keep its vibrant pink colour for a few months and will be drinkable for around a year. Use the boozy raspberries in a raspberry vodka mojito cocktail or desert, or dry freeze them and use in a muesli for special occasions.
STEP 2 Drink! With friends just add lemonade or posh tonic!